Kon Kast is fully committed to customer satisfaction through the continuous improvement of our products and service. We define Quality as meeting and then exceeding customer expections. It is our responsibility to understand the needs of our customers and environment and within that understanding is our goal... Total Quality.
Kon Kast believes their success rests on these three pillars – Customer Satisfaction, Employee Well Being and
Partnership With Suppliers.
We dedicate ourselves to providing customer service that cannot be topped,
along with discovering and meeting the needs of our customers. We recognize that our employees are what make our company exceed the
expectations of our customers. Long term employees retain knowledge and experience that can provide customers with invaluable input when they are
making choices or important decisions pertaining to their projects. We believe that our suppliers are our partners in business and
that shows in the length of our relationships with them.
We believe that we live our philosophy here at Kon Kast and that is why we have
customers, employees and suppliers that have been with us since the day we started in 1969. The day we made the
decision to become "Committed to Quality & Service".