AFC Oil Water Separators
Oil Water Separators
Cast Iron Frames, Covers, Grates
Catch Basin Frames and Grates
Manhole Frames and Covers
Catch Basins & Drainage Troughs
Catch Basins
Drainage Troughs
Cattle Feeders
CDS Oil Grit Separators
Concrete Barriers
Custom Precast
Distribution Boxes
Electrical Utility Products
Light Standard Bases
Headwalls & Inlet Structures
Inlet / Outlet Structure
Landscape Products
Exposed Aggregate Planters
Sidewalk Blocks
Manhole Barrel
Miscellaneous Concrete Products
Bicycle Stands
Boat Launch Pads
Bollards Round / Square
Brooks Box
Fence Posts
Propane Tank Stand
R.V. Sewer Inlet Pads
Sign Posts ¾ Round / Square
Trailer Pads
Window Well
Wood Grain Fence Posts
Parking Lot Curbs
Pull Boxes
Precast Concrete Steps
Retaining Walls
Septic Tanks
Telephone Utility Products
Service Box
Telephone Vaults
Utility Products
Thrust Blocks
Well Rings
AFC Oil Water Separators
Oil Water Separators
Cast Iron Frames, Covers, Grates
Catch Basin Frames and Grates
Manhole Frames and Covers
Catch Basins & Drainage Troughs
Catch Basins
Drainage Troughs
Cattle Feeders
CDS Oil Grit Separators
Concrete Barriers
Distribution Boxes
Electrical Utility Products
Light Standard Bases
Headwalls & Inlet Structures
Inlet / Outlet Structure
Landscape Products
Exposed Aggregate Planters
Sidewalk Blocks
Manhole Barrel
Miscellaneous Concrete Products
Bicycle Stands
Boat Launch Pads
Bollards Round / Square
Brooks Box
Fence Posts
Propane Tank Stand
R.V. Sewer Inlet Pads
Sign Posts ¾ Round / Square
Trailer Pads
Window Well
Wood Grain Fence Posts
Parking Lot Curbs
Pull Boxes
Precast Concrete Steps
Retaining Walls
Septic Tanks
Telephone Utility Products
Service Box
Telephone Vaults
Utility Products
Thrust Blocks
Well Rings
Search Drawings
Manhole Barrel PDF
Shop Drawings
Manhole Barrel - Complete Catalogue
Manhole Barrel
Individual Shop Drawings
701 1050 (42") Manhole Barrel x 305 (12")
702 1050 (42") Manhole Barrel x 610 (24")
703 1050 (42") Manhole Barrel x 914 (36")
704 1050 (42") Manhole Barrel x 1219 (48")
711 900 (36") Manhole Barrel x 305
712 900 (36") Manhole Barrel x 610 (24")
713 900 (36") Manhole Barrel x 914 (36")
714 900 (36") Manhole Barrel x 1219 (48")
715 Lid for 900mm (36") MHB c/w 635 (25") Opening
716 Base for 900 (36") MHB
717 Lid for 900 (36") MHB c/w Hwys Opening
718 Lid for 900 (36") MHB c/w 762 (30") Opening
720 50 (2") Grade Ring c/w 762 (30") Opening
721 75 (3") Grade Ring c/w 762 (30") Opening
722 100 (4") Grade Ring c/w 762 (30") Opening
723 150 (6") Grade Ring c/w 762 (30") Opening
725 Lid for 1050 (42") MHB c/w 635 (25") Opening
725CB Lid for 1050 (42") MHB c/w B37 Opening
725CBH Lid for 1050 (42") MHB c/w Hwys Opening
726 Lid for 1050 (42") MHB c/w 762 (30") Opening
735 Base for 1050 (42") MHB
750 1200 (48") Manhole Barrel x 305 (12")
751 1200 (48") MHB x 610 (24")
752 1200 (48") MHB x 914 (36")
753 1200 (48") MHB x 1219 (48")
754 1350 MHB x 300
755 1350 MHB x 600
756 1350 MHB x 900
757 1350 MHB x 1200
758 Lid for 1350 MHB c/w 762 Opening
759 Lid for 1350 MHB c/w 635 Opening
760 Base for 1350 MHB
766 Lid for 1200 (48") MHB c/w 762 (30") Opening
767 Lid for 1200 (48") MHB c/w 635 (25") Opening
767CB Lid for 1200 (48") MHB c/w B37 Opening
767CBH Lid for 1200 (48") MHB c/w Hwys Opening
770 Base for 1200 (48") MHB
775 1500 (60") Manhole Barrel x 305 (12")
776 1500 (60") MHB x 610 (24")
777 1500 (60") MHB x 914 (36")
778 Lid for 1500 (60") MHB c/w 635 (25") Opening
778CBH Lid for 1500 (60") MHB c/w Hwys Opening
779 Base for 1500 (60") MHB
780 Lid for 1500 (60") MHB c/w 762 (30") Opening
781 1800 (72") Manhole Barrel x 305 (12")
782 1800 (72") MHB x 610 (24")
783 1800 (72") MHB x 914 (36")
784 Lid for 1800 (72") MHB c/w 635 (25") Opening
785 Lid for 1800 (72") MHB c/w 762 (30") Opening
786 Base for 1800 (72") MHB
787 2400 (96") MBH x 305 (12")
788 2400 (96") MBH x 610 (24")
789 2400 (96") MBH x 610 (36")
790 Lid for 2400 (96") MHB c/w 635 (25") Opening
791 Lid for 2400 (96") MHB c/w 762 (30") Opening
792 Extended Base for 2400 (96") MHB
794 50 (2") Grade Ring c/w 610 (25") Opening
795 75 (3") Grade Ring c/w 610 (25") Opening
796 100 (4") Grade Ring c/w 610 (25") Opening
797 150 (6") Grade Ring c/w 610 (25") Opening
Manhole Barrel
Catch Basins
Cattle Feeders
CDS Oil Grit Separators
Thrust Blocks
Telephone Utility Products
Retaining Walls
Well Rings
AFC Oil Water Separators
Custom Precast
Septic Tanks
Electrical Utility Products
Headwalls & Inlet Structures
Precast Concrete Steps
Concrete Barriers
Landscape Products
Septic Tanks
Distribution Boxes
Miscellaneous Concrete Products
Cattle Feeders
Catch Basins
CDS Oil Grit Separators
Concrete Barriers
Telephone Utility Products
Thrust Blocks
Parking Lot Curbs
Cast Iron Frames, Covers, Grates
Retaining Walls
Manhole Barrel
Precast Concrete Steps
Electrical Utility Products
Well Rings
Contact Us
1313 Innovation Drive
Kelowna, B.C.
V1V 3B3
Phone : 250-765-1423
Fax : 250-765-0820
Email :
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Quality and Service